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March 11, 2023
3:00 - 8:00 PM
HonkeyTonk Burger Company(formerly HonkyTonk Saloon)
192 College Park Road, Ladson
Upcoming Events!
5th Annual Oyster Roast
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Tito's Handmade Vodka
Ridgeside K9
Lakeside Animal Hospital
CT Lowdes
Avondale Wine & Cheese
Grover (Beau) Seaton Law Firm
Lowcountry Fireworks
Event Vendors
ALL Sponsors and Auction Donators will be allowed to have a 10'x10' space at the event to showcase their products or services. If you are not a sponsor or donator and would like to be a vendor at the event, the investment will be $50. We ask that everyone (sponsors, donators & vendors), please click here, Vendor Form Registration.
A HUGE Thank You to HonkyTonk Burger Company
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