Adopt A Great Dane!

Female Great Dane 9 Months Old

Male Great Dane 3 years old

Male Great Dane 5-6 years old

Female Great Dane 9 Months Old
About Us
Waters Edge Great Dane Rescue, Inc. is dedicated to taking in Great Danes that have been abused, neglected, placed in shelters, or those surrendered by their owners. We provide all of our Danes with the best veterinary care. They are placed in experienced foster homes in our surrounding area, until we find them a loving and stable forever home.
Our organization has a charitable tax-exemption under 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Waters Edge Great Dane Rescue, Inc is funded 100% by donations. With an ever growing number of dogs in need, we need continued support and assistance for medical care & housing during the adoption process.

Dane of the Week
Meet Bean! She is a female Great Dane who is recovering in rescue & looking for her forever family!

Congratulations to Tips who recently found his furever home!